
Nos Actualités

Nos dernières actualités concernant le gazon synthétique professionnel, les techniques de pose et nos derniers chantier de pelouse synthétique. Retrouvez toutes nos solutions d’aménagement extérieurs : gazons sportifs, gazon hybride, gazon ornemental. Le Meilleur du Gazon Artificiel !
Journée Mondiale des Stagiaires chez Green Avenue France
The Best of Artificial Grass

🌍 World Intern Day 🌍

Aujourd’hui, nous célébrons la Journée Mondiale des Stagiaires et profitons de l’occasion pour mettre en lumière le travail un nouveau membre de notre équipe qui

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Gazon Deauville piscine
The Best of Artificial Grass

Pool construction

Take a look at this beautiful project to enhance this private individual’s swimming pool! With its high density, Grenade® synthetic turf is ideal for poolside

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Jauge et dtex gazon synthetique
The Best of Artificial Grass

Dtex, gauge, what’s that?

You may not be familiar with these terms, and that’s normal. To understand them better, take a few minutes and read the following lines carefully.

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Gazon synthetique pour animaux de compagnie
The Best of Artificial Grass

Synthetic grass for pets

Cani’Green® synthetic turf in knitted fiber has been developed with pets in mind. Strong and resistant to dog and cat claws, this technical turf stands

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Chantier gazon synthétique Luxor de chez Green Avenue France
The Best of Artificial Grass

I love Luxor artificial turf!

🤩 Luxor, I love it ! Luxor® synthetic turf has multidirectional shape memory fibers making its visual very aesthetic and very natural. With its high

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Bande de jonction pré-encollée butyle pour gazon synthétique
The Best of Artificial Grass

Efficient pre-glued splicing tape

📌 Green Avenue’s pre-glued butyl splicing strip connects the strips of your ornamental synthetic turf. Ready-to-use and practical to install, this glue strip requires no

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